Public Speaking tip #19 – What does it take to become a good Public Speaker?

There are a number of elements that go to making a good public speech. Master them and you’re well on your way.
What makes a good public speaker?
There are many elements to becoming a good public speaker but I’m going to narrow it down to a few.
Firstly confident body language – you might have the greatest content in the world but if you appear nervous and anxious you are sending all the wrong signals to your audience.
Project confidence – stand tall, shoulders back, head held high. make sure you smile before you speak and pause before you open your mouth.
And never underestimate the power of the pause throughout your talk. Pause before and after making a major point, pause for emphasis, pause to give time to absorb, pause to add drama
Make regular eye contact – work your way around the room – looking directly at a member of the audience before moving on. Eye contact builds rapport, builds trust
Remember to speak slowly, good content will be lost in rapid fire speech – talk at a conversational pace -but you can vary it by speeding up or slowing down to make or emphasis a point.
Speak clearly and concisely – and try to eliminate filler words umm ahh – you know.
Keep you content simple – don’t be fooled into thinking big words and convoluted sentences will make people believe you know your stuff . Just the opposite they’ll lose interest and tune out if you overload them with jargon. It’s better to make 3 points well than overload your audience with too much information.
Leave your audience with a call to action – “remember to Vote” play your part in protecting the environment, Join a local sport group etc
Video yourself when practising its the best way to see yourself as others will see you – it will help you eliminate any annoying gestures or movements.
I believe with hard work anyone can become a good public speaker – work harder and you could go on to be a great Public Speaker.