A New Beginning

Talk about an eventful 6 weeks. Since setting off on a new career path when many my age are considering retirement, my feet have barely hit the ground. Although I’ve been involved in the electronic media all my adult life, working as journalist and news reader has channelled my energies very much in one direction.
Over the years I have done a lot of radio work hosting talk programs but I’ve largely been at arms-length from the commercial world. Journalist do operate in a commercial environment but cocooned from the retail realities.
Now all that’s changed. My new path will see me dive head long into the world of commercials, promotion and advertising. I’ve spent many hours establishing contacts, appointing an agent, talking to advertising agencies,recording studios and setting up this website.
I’ve even had voice lessons. 34 years of reading TV news tends to groove your swing. It’s like exercising one set of muscles while ignoring others. If I’m to put myself out there for the full range of voice overs I have to get my vocal cords to be way more limber than they have been.
I have had to step outside my comfort zone and to be very honest the challenge is exhilarating. You can teach an old dog new tricks.
So the foundations have been laid, the contacts made and now I’m just waiting for the phone to ring and the emails to start coming in.
Roll on 2015.