How to Raise Your Value By 50%

Imagine working on just one skill that could raise your value by 50%.
That skill is public speaking. An investment in improving your communication skills has long-term benefits.
Don’t take my word for it, just listen to one of the worlds’ richest men, Warren Buffet, when speaking to business students at Columbia University.

“Right now, I would pay $100,000 for 10 percent of the future earnings of any of you, so if you’re interested, see me after class.”After the laughter subsided, he turned serious.
“Now, you can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills – public speaking. If that’s the case, see me after class and I’ll pay you $150,000.”
What Buffett is saying is mastering the art of public speaking is the single greatest skill to boost your career.
If you’re serious about getting ahead in the business world and want to gain mastery over the art of public speaking give me a call and we can get started on a one-on-one master class in public speaking.
I also conduct workshops on public speaking for groups and one on one.
Graeme Goodings – Give me a call on 0403 929 245.