GG @ Southern Cross Age Well Online forum

I was engaged earlier this year to give the keynote address at the Southern Cross Age Well Forum. It was to be like many keynote talks I have given over the years in front of a live audience.
Enter Covid-19 – and the forum, like all live events and large gatherings of people, couldn’t go ahead in its current form.
And so the online forum. Although I’ve done many Zoom and FaceTime meetings and conferences , this was to be a first. To give a talk for an hour to an audience I could neither see nor hear. I rely on a lot of audience feedback, as all speakers do, to gauge how well it’s going over and if I need to modify my talk along the way. Not this time. It was a whole new experience and I thank the organisers who so brilliantly made it all work. Anyhow, judge for yourself if I got away with it.