Month: June 2015

Graeme Goodings Media

Archie, Jughead, Veronica

What does Google have in common with Archie & Jughead ?

 If I mentioned the names Archie, Veronica and Jughead what am I talking about? Now, before you answer cartoon characters let me add  vLib and Exite. Nothing? How about Infoseek and AltaVista? All becoming clearer? Yes, we’re talking about the original web search engines, extremely primitive at the beginning but improving at break-neck speed. It…
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The Future Of News

Where do you get your news and information? In this giddy world of constant change and choice, the traditional forms of news dissemination, television, print media and radio are feeling the pinch. The 2015 Reuters Institute Digital News Report suggests that 44% of Australians get their news fix online, television accounts for 35%, 12% say social…
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Media Coverage – Closing The Loop

Social media and the internet have seen a quantum change in the way we receive and disseminate information. If we don’t get on board we’ll get left behind and miss leveraging positive media coverage. This is an excellent article on the subject and what you can do to “close the loop” by Michelle Prak a…
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